The NaphCare Charitable Foundation’s involvement in its local community continues through further investment in the Aldridge Botanical Gardens in Hoover, Alabama. The garden has opened the Meyer Bonsai Terrace, in memory of Dr. Craig A. Meyer, an avid Bonsai enthusiast and patron of the art. This garden represents the newest public Bonsai tree collection on display in the United States.
The Bonsai collection on display is donated from the personal collection of Jim McLane, Founder, Owner and Chairman of the Board of NaphCare, Inc. Mr. McLane began the hobby of Bonsai in 2000, and his interest has grown along with his collection of trees, which now numbers 300.
“We set up the collection at Aldridge and built the education center to make people more interested in Bonsai,” said Mr. McLane. “It came at a good time because I think COVID made people more introspective, and we got a lot more people interested in Bonsai as a hobby.”
This latest collaboration with Aldridge Gardens follows the Foundation’s funding of a multi-use educational building at Aldridge Gardens in 2020. This building allows for gardening classes onsite at the gardens.
Learn more about the Meyer Bonsai Terrace at the Aldridge Botanical Gardens.